1. 城市规划与设计
2. 城市生态规划
3. 大数据与智慧城市
4. 外国城市建设史
5. 毕业设计
1. 城市生态规划(双语教学)
2. 大数据与智慧城市
1. 生态规划与绿色城市
2. 城市更新与存量规划
3. 智慧城市与大数据
4. 健康城市研究
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“体力活动视角下建成环境与居民健康水平量化分析及影响机制研究”(NO:51778406)2018.1.1-2021.12.30(项目负责人)
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“网络视野下海内外中山公园的地方建构、景观价值感知与认同研究”(NO:51778403)2018.1.1-2021.12.30(项目参与人)
3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“文化多样性视野下天津近代公园的日常景观、历史变迁与保护策略”(NO. 51478299)2014.1.1-2017.12.30(项目参与人)
4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“基于信息技术的滨海城市高密度人口集聚区综合防灾理论研究”(NO. 51078256)2011.1.1-2014.12.30(项目参与人)
5. 国家自然科学基金青年项目“国际交流视角下的文化景观与公共空间生产”(NO. 51108306)2011.1.1-2013.12.30(项目参与人)
[1] LI Ze, Perry Yang Pei-ju, ZHANG Tianjie, Institutional Change and Urban Redevelopment Process. China City Planning Review, 2014(1): 16-25;
[2] Li Ze, Zhang Tianjie. Towards a competitive City: Shanghai’s urban development. Advanced Materials Research,Vol.690-693(2013):793-796;
[3] Li Ze, Zhang Tianjie. Institutional Change and Urban Development in Shanghai, 1978, ICECC2011, 2109-2111;
[4] Li, Z. (2006) “Institutional Mechanism of Property Market in China in Transitional Economy: Case Study in Shanghai”. Conference paper published by Joint 2006 American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association (AREUEA) and the Asian Real Estate Society (AsRES) International Conference. Vancouver, Canada.
[5] Li, Z. (2006) “Property Market under Transitional Economy in Chinese Cities: Case Study of Institutional Mechanism of Property Development in Shanghai”. Conference paper presented and published by 13th Annual European Real Estate Society 2006 International Conference. Weimar, German.
[6] Li, Z. and Yang, P.J. (2006) “The Interplay of Institutional Changes and Urban Transformation: A Case Study of Shanghai Putuo District after 1978”. Conference paper to be presented at International Forum on Urbanism 2006. Beijing, China.
[7] Zhang, T.J. and Li, Z. (2006) “From Natural Hills to Public Parks: The Urban Reconstruction in Early Twentieth-Century Wuhan”. Conference paper to be published by mAAN 6th International Conference ― “Our modern”: Re-appropriating Asia’s Urban Heritage, Tokyo, Japan.
[8] Li, Z. and Yang, P.J. (2006) “Urban Development under Transitional Economy in Chinese Cities: an Institutional Analysis of Property Market in Shanghai after 1978”. Conference paper to be presented at “Urbanization China: culture, identity and spatial transformation”. Shanghai, China.
[9] Zhang, T.J. and Li, Z. (2006) “Public Space and New Womanhood: Municipal Parks in Early Twentieth-Century Chinese Cities”. Conference paper to be published by the International Conference on East Asian Architectural Culture Kyoto 2006: Reassessing East Asia in the Light of Urban and Architectural History, Kyoto, Japan.
[10] Hee, L., Li, Z. and Thomas Schroepfer “China’s New Creative Culture in the Post-industrial Landscape: Emergent Space in the City” in International Convention of Asian Scholars: Sharing a Future in Asia, Kuala Lumpur。
[11] Yang, P.J. and Li, Z. (2005) “Two Asian Models of Downtown Planning Decision Making: Case Studies of Singapore’s New Downtown and Shanghai’s City Central Area”. Conference paper presented and published at the 6th International Symposium on Asia Pacific Architecture. Shanghai, China.
[12] Yang, P.J. and Li, Z. (2004) “Two Asian Models of Planning Decision Making – Case Studies of the Planning Process in Singapore New Downtown and Kaohsiung Multifunctional Business District”. Conference paper presented and published at Participatory Community Design in the Pacific Rim Conference Program, Seattle, USA.
[13] Yang, P.J. and Li, Z. (2004) “Revitalization of Water Edge in Two Asian Cities: An Investigation of the Morphological Changes of Waterfront Area in Shanghai and Singapore”. Conference paper presented and published at mAAN 4th International Conference- “Safeguarding and Revitalizing Local Heritage”. Shanghai, China.
[14] 李泽、张天洁. 热带·共生·永续: 新加坡滨海南花园的技术策略. 风景园林, 2014(1): 142-149;
[15] 李泽、张天洁. 迈向"花园里的城市"——浅析新加坡滨海湾花园的设计理念. 中国园林, 2012(10): 114-118;
[16] 李泽、张天洁. 文化景观——浅析中国古典园林史之现代书写. 建筑学报, 2010(6): 10-14;
[17] 张天洁、李泽. 新加坡高层公共住宅的社区营造. 建筑学报, 2015(6): 52-57.
[18] 张天洁、李泽. 关怀他者、跨越边界——美国高等院校风景园林服务学习课程刍议. 中国园林, 2015(5): 27-32.
[19] 张天洁、李泽. 跨国都市主义视角下的中国近代公园系统规划. 风景园林, 2015(5): 82-92.
[20] 张天洁、李泽. 管窥女性主义视角下的风景园林史英文文献研究. 中国园林, 2014(3): 19-24.
[21] 张天洁、李泽. 世界性与本土性——新加坡克拉码头的复兴. 新建筑, 2014(3): 34-39.
[22] 张天洁、李泽. 高密度城市的多目标绿道网络——新加坡公园连接道系统. 城市规划, 2013(5): 67-73.
[23] 张天洁、李泽. 优化住宅存量下的新加坡公共住宅翻新. 建筑学报, 2013(3): 28-33.
[24] 张天洁、李百浩、李泽. 中国近代城市规划的“实验者”——董修甲与武汉的近代城市规划实践. 新建筑, 2013(3): 138-143.
[25] 张天洁、李泽. 从人工美化走向景观协同:解析新加坡社区公园的发展历程. 建筑学报, 2012(10): 26-31.
[26] 张天洁、李泽、孙媛. 混杂现代性与公共空间:浅析近代天津的公园发展. 新建筑, 2012(5): 33-40.
[27] 张天洁、刘庭风、李泽. 发现与训育:20世纪初中国儿童游戏场的发展. 中国园林, 2012(5): 91-94.
[28] 张天洁、李泽、孙媛. 纪念语境、共和话语与公共记忆——武昌首义公园刍议. 新建筑, 2011(5): 6-11.
[29] 张天洁、李泽. 20世纪上半期全国运动会场馆述略. 建筑学报, 2008(7): 96-101.
[30] 张天洁、李泽. 新女性意识的空间表达——浅析20世纪初的中国城市公园. 建筑学报, 2007(8): 86-89.
[31] 张天洁,李泽. 西方近代公园史研究刍议. 建筑学报, 2006(6): 35-37.
[32] 张天洁, 李泽(2006)西方近代公园史研究刍议,《建筑学报》, No.6, pp.35-37.
[33] 杨沛儒, 李泽, 林钦荣 (2006)亚洲都心的三种规划决策模式:新加坡滨海新都心, 台北信义副都心与上海陆家嘴金融贸易区的规划个案分析,《城市规划》.
[34] 张天洁,李泽,(2007) 新女性意识的空间表达——浅析20世纪初的中国城市公园,《建筑学报》, No.08.
[1] 张天洁/李泽. 多元、开放与包容: 关于《中国近代城市建设史》教学与研究的思考. 人文规划,创意转型——2012 年全国高等学校城市规划专业指导委员会年会,武汉,2012.
[2]. 李泽/张天洁. Preservation and Regeneration Strategies for Wudadao (Five-Avenue) Area, Tianjin, China. 宣讲并发表于东亚建筑文化国际会议,新加坡, 2011.
[3]. 李泽/贾巍杨. 从适应性再利用到"新旧"并存模式: 新加坡历史风貌保护的30年. 第二届历史建筑遗产保护与可持续发展国际会议. 天津, 2010.
[4]. Li, Z. (2006) “Institutional Mechanism of Property Market in China in Transitional Economy: Case Study in Shanghai”. Conference paper published by Joint 2006 American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association (AREUEA) and the Asian Real Estate Society (AsRES) International Conference. Vancouver, Canada.
[5] Li, Z. (2006) “Property Market under Transitional Economy in Chinese Cities: Case Study of Institutional Mechanism of Property Development in Shanghai”. Conference paper presented and published by 13th Annual European Real Estate Society 2006 International Conference. Weimar, German.
[6] Li, Z. and Yang, P.J. (2006) “The Interplay of Institutional Changes and Urban Transformation: A Case Study of Shanghai Putuo District after 1978”. Conference paper to be presented at International Forum on Urbanism 2006. Beijing, China.
[7] Zhang, T.J. and Li, Z. (2006) “From Natural Hills to Public Parks: The Urban Reconstruction in Early Twentieth-Century Wuhan”. Conference paper to be published by mAAN 6th International Conference ― “Our modern”: Re-appropriating Asia’s Urban Heritage, Tokyo, Japan.
[8] Li, Z. and Yang, P.J. (2006) “Urban Development under Transitional Economy in Chinese Cities: an Institutional Analysis of Property Market in Shanghai after 1978”. Conference paper to be presented at “Urbanization China: culture, identity and spatial transformation”. Shanghai, China.
[9] Zhang, T.J. and Li, Z. (2006) “Public Space and New Womanhood: Municipal Parks in Early Twentieth-Century Chinese Cities”. Conference paper to be published by the International Conference on East Asian Architectural Culture Kyoto 2006: Reassessing East Asia in the Light of Urban and Architectural History, Kyoto, Japan.
[10] Hee, L., Li, Z. and Thomas Schroepfer “China’s New Creative Culture in the Post-industrial Landscape: Emergent Space in the City” in International Convention of Asian Scholars: Sharing a Future in Asia, Kuala Lumpur。
[11] Yang, P.J. and Li, Z. (2005) “Two Asian Models of Downtown Planning Decision Making: Case Studies of Singapore’s New Downtown and Shanghai’s City Central Area”. Conference paper presented and published at the 6th International Symposium on Asia Pacific Architecture. Shanghai, China.
[12] Yang, P.J. and Li, Z. (2004) “Two Asian Models of Planning Decision Making – Case Studies of the Planning Process in Singapore New Downtown and Kaohsiung Multifunctional Business District”. Conference paper presented and published at Participatory Community Design in the Pacific Rim Conference Program, Seattle, USA.
[13] Yang, P.J. and Li, Z. (2004) “Revitalization of Water Edge in Two Asian Cities: An Investigation of the Morphological Changes of Waterfront Area in Shanghai and Singapore”. Conference paper presented and published at mAAN 4th International Conference- “Safeguarding and Revitalizing Local Heritage”. Shanghai, China.
高等学校城市规划专业核心课教材,《外国城市建设史》,北京: 中国建筑工业出版社,2012.
1. 2016唐山世界园艺博览园国际竞赛(第一名),河北省,唐山市,2010
2. 厦门市马銮湾生态中心城城市设计国际竞赛(第一名),福建省,厦门市,2007
3. 广州南沙区发展规划(修编)国内邀请竞赛及深化规划(第二名),广东省,广州市,2007
4. 深圳东部滨海地区旅游规划及发展策略研究,广东省,深圳市,2007
5. 深圳市龙岗区龙城广场及周边地区城市设计国际咨询,广东省,深圳市,2007
6. 高雄市2009年世运会公园规划国际竞赛(第一名),台湾,高雄市,2005
天津城市规划学会 理事
欧洲房地产协会(ERES) 会员
美国房地产协会(ARES) 会员